Welcome to Fairy Chess Diagram Maker. This online tool lets you easily create advanced diagrams for use in your documentation. It's free. No advertising.
The completely restyled Fairy Chess Diagram Maker is being launched.
It has a new look with some minor functional improvements. The new layout is better suited for future extensions.
A new feature is added to save your diagram in the cloud by uploading it anonymously to the image sharing site
Imgur is the best place to share and enjoy the most awesome images on the Internet.
A new version is released where local storage is used to store upload links and to store board settings.
The next time you visit the diagram maker it restores the board of the last session.
A new feature is implemented to store diagrams (max 10) for reuse at a later moment.
Your browser does not support HTML5 local storage.
No preferences.
Your browser supports local storage. It will be used to make the application more comfortable.
If button switched to OFF, storage will be cleared.
Setup pieces
Choose your favorite piece.
The kind of piece you will put on the board.
The piece format; SVG for better resolution but not supported by all browsers. And not available for all pieces.
Setup colors
Choose your favorite color pattern in the button box below. The first two rows are fixed color patterns. The last three rows are variable color patterns depending on the choice of the fixed color pattern.
Board properties
Setup position
Setup the position by clicking on squares or by entering a FFEN string in the input field below.
FFEN is an extension of the well known FEN notation.
Initial position:
Empty position:
Textlines at top and bottom of the board.
Save board as image.
Although not supported by all browsers, two methods are available to make an image of the generated board.
Upload board as image.
Save your diagram in the cloud by uploading it anonymously to the image sharing site
Again, this feature is not supported by all browsers.
No upload request
Link to the uploaded image is:
no link
Stored links to recently uploaded images (max 8)
Store diagrams.
Store max 10 diagrams on local storage for reuse at a later moment.
Enter a name in the list below and the current diagram will be saved.
This feature is disabled. The reason can be that your browser does not support local storage or you disable the use of local storage.
A list of adjustable properties.
You can change the position in two ways.
The FFEN string can also be used to set the dimension of the board. Examples:
- dimension 8x8: 8/8/8/8/8/8/8/8
- dimension 3x8: 8/8/8
- dimension 4x3: 3/3/3/3
Two buttons facilitates the setup of the initial position and the empty position.
Although not supported by all browsers, two methods are available to make an image of the generated board.
A commonly used extension for images is jpg but here you had to use the well known extension png.
The size of the board on the screen defines the resolution of the saved image. Choose a large size for a high resolution.
The image resolution varies from low (356x356, 11 kB) to high (996x996, 86 kB).
For sharp piece images we advice to use the format SVG instead of PNG. But not all browsers are capable of creating images for the piece format SVG.
Unfortunately, at this moment not all browsers support one of these methods. Browsers that currently support one of the methods are:
Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, Android browser, Chrome for Android.
So temporary it seems not possible to make images with Internet Explorer.
Piece images are read from files with two available formats: SVG and PNG. The SVG format is a modern format with the property that images keep its sharpness independent of the size they were displayed.
You can choose which format to use (default SVG).
For sharp piece images we advice to use the format SVG. But not all browsers are capable of creating images for the piece format SVG. And at this moment the SVG format is not available for all pieces. You can try it and see if it works. Otherwise keep the piece format PNG.
Local storage aka. Web storage are methods and protocols used for storing data in a web browser.
It supports persistent data storage, similar to cookies.
Web storage is being standardized by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
It is supported by most modern browsers.
The diagram maker uses web storage to store:
1. Upload links if you upload the board as image to imgur.com
2. Board properties like colors, piece type and position. If you use the diagram maker a next time it restores the last used properties.
3. Diagrams for reuse at a later moment (max 10).
If you like you can disable the use of local storage with the switch in the section Preferences.
The Fairy Chess Diagram Maker is a personal project, setup and maintained as a leisure activity.
I hope it will be useful and you enjoy it.
The work is copyrighted. No problem to use parts of my work but please ask for permission.
The diagram maker should work well for modern browsers: Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari and Internet Explorer 9+.
Maybe it does not always work well because browsers work differently. Browsers are constantly evolving so you can expect if it does not work well now, it works well in the future. I have tested the diagram maker with Firefox on Linux.
The diagram program uses the programming language Javascript. Your browser must be enabled to use Javascript.
Comments or questions?
Please send a mail to: Arthur Kalverboer
Thanks to Peter Wong for giving permission to use his set of chess piece icons (virtual pieces B25..B32). See his beautiful icons and graphics about chess at virtualpieces.net.
As many thanks go to Maurizio Monge for using his creative set of chess piece icons (B08,B09,B10). You can admire his chess art at Maurizio Monge's homepage.
Web hosting by the Dutch association Open Domein.
You can download a generated diagram as image under the condition that it belongs to the public domain, anyone can freely make copies of it, distribute it, use it for commercial purposes or sell it to others.
The term public domain refers to creative materials that are not protected by intellectual property laws such as copyright, trademark, or patent laws. The public owns these works, not an individual author or artist. Anyone can use a public domain work without obtaining permission, but no one can ever own it.